Events & Training


40+ Hour Miitary simulation

These events will !!!REQUIRE!!! attendees to sleep in the field and conduct night time operations from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Attendees need to bring enough supplies to sustain yourself for 3 days and 2 nights. Attendees are required to bring one 24 pack of water to share. Gear must be able to be carried on your back at a moment's notice. If you leave the simulation for any reason other than an emergency, you will not be allowed back and you will not receive a refund. RealSim LLC does not cancel for weather! These simulations, like all of of our services, have strict rules and guidelines to help keep the scenario realistic and safe. Be sure to check your simulation’s “Event Concept” for more information.

Role Players

The use of Role Players at our simulations brings a level of realism and ambiance that no other company offers. Role Players are used to create a dynamic setting for attendees. These personnel are hand picked and most have training in the Dramatic Arts profession or have military training. Realsim can provide role players for any type of simulation to include but not limited to: business professionals, construction workers, and/ or non-US military forces with 1:1 real outfits and equipment.


At our simulations we provide training prior, during, and after each exercise. All staff giving training are military, or first responders. Each exercise of the simulation will target a specific tactic that will directly help attendees in their simulated operation. We have the capability to utilize realistic pyrotechnics, blank fire weapons, vehicles, and other assets to help create a scenario. Training ranges from infantry level tactics and maneuvers, medical triage, explosive handling, land navigation, and radio communications.