
Our Vision

RealSim LLC is an up and coming MILSIM and training event company based out of Fort Worth, Tx. Our goal is to utilize training and simulation weapons to create a competitive realistic war and combat simulator to a specific customer. We will achieve this goal by recruiting the best staff, creating well thought out mission sets, acquire military assets, and target a specific type of customer. 


Event Locations

RealSim LLC hosts simulation events in CONUS. Our simulations are held at places that portray a realistic setting for missions sets. Our venues are large in size and have assets for customers to use such as maneuverable land, buildings, or military vehicles.


Our Events

The scenarios of RealSim LLC are completely different than that of any other MilSim event company. The events we host focus on a team effort and leadership. We provide an extensive and overwhelming operation mission set. What this means is the missions are extremely dynamic in nature. In real combat things are very stressful, disorientating, noisy, and exhausting. We want to try and portray this in our events. We also want a scenario where the customer has interactions with the enemy directly, and can use real world tactics to accomplish a mission. Instead of going out and capturing an objective point, we will have missions that create a realistic scenario that matches the venue.